THE PRESIDENT obviously has little respect for our intelligence. Then again, we - yours truly excluded - did put him in the White House for the past 7+ years, despite a proven rotten track record he accumulated in both the public and private sectors.
This morning, he once again offered the same deluded diatribe about our alleged success in Iraq and especially the competence of the surge. Naturally, he was extremely critical of Congress’ skepticism with the war as well as suggestions continually coming out of Capitol Hill that our troop emphasis should be shifted to Afghanistan and the bordering rough terrain of Pakistan.
But his biggest pet peeve was the lawmakers’ skepticism with an Iraqi government that has yet to show any stability or control of factional violence there.
“They got their budget passed,” the president said. “Nevertheless some members of Congress decided the best way to encourage progress in Baghdad was to criticize and threaten Iraq’s leaders while they’re trying to work out their differences.”
“But hectoring was not what the Iraqi leaders needed, he added. “What they needed was security. And that is what the surge has provided.”
Perhaps Bush hasn’t heard about the recent number of insurgent attacks and the many lives lost in the past week. Or maybe he wasn’t made abreast the American casualty rate has topped the 4,000 mark and is rising.
This president has committed more impeachable offenses than perhaps all who ever held the office collectedly, including Richard Nixon. And since the Democrats have lacked the necessary votes to remove him from office, Bush continues to play like a broken record.
Granted, he did pull the proverbial wool over many American’s eyes for roughly 18 months. However, that ended shortly after his “Mission Accomplished” speech.
With time and continuous evidence to the contrary, even the American public wised up to him and his rogue war, mutilation of our economy and his choice to regularly side-step both the Constitution and Geneva Convention.
Bush has had a horrendous approval rating of roughly 32 percent for quite some time. The 32 percent actually is represented by his Neocon base.
But that has done little to bring his agenda in line with that of the people. Nothing has changed at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Obstruction of Justice, illegal wiretaps, torture of Islamic prisoners abroad, protection of the affluent and Corporate America — at the expense of the middle-class and impoverished – has become this administration’s trademark.
After all, it’s just the American people, and he obviously doesn’t care what they think. Isn’t that what Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, John Ashcroft - as well as his successor, Alberto Gonzalez - have been telling him all along.
He will give up... when the American People finally give-up being quiet, passive and sheep... and stop mumbling in their chairs, while sitting on their empty wallets and demand he be thrown out and charged with all offenses against innocent people, especially the offences against the American people and their Constitution! And the American people that exercise their votes are those who put him in! Or shall we admit it's all a fraud and BS and the entire system is broken! By the by, the cost of the war, with all figures projected for post-war [whenever the hell that is].. is more like 30 trillion!! Saw an awesome report on that on PBS.
Now Lynda,
We have all been through this before. Without 67 votes in the Senate, the Democrats never had the power to remove Bush/Cheney from office. The people did their best by giving the Dems majorities in both houses of Congress. This has enabled them to block much Bush-Nazi legislation. It also made the Shrub compromise on many things like raising the minimum wage to something half-livable.
But a 51-49 majority can't get you much more than that. We just have to wait until Jan. 20, 2008. In addition to the White House, I believe the Dems will pick up at least 10 more seats in the Senate.
Calm down and be patient. All will shift next year.
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Geert Wilders Going To Get Sued - By Rapper Salah Edin
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